Portfolio of a Usability, User Experience & Web development Professional
UT Project Image
Usability Testing
Conducted a usability test on Identified and recruited users, created a test plan, conducted pilot and actual usability tests, collected and analyzed relevant data, created the usability test report and presented results
Project Team Members
Kate Cushman Walders, Sanket Anil Naik, Sharmishtha Dhuri, Sree Anirudh J Bhandaram
Project Skills
Recruiting participants, Creating test plans, Moderating test sessions, Analyzing data and presenting results, Creating usability test reports
Project Time
Spring 2008

DataMentor is a tool to assess data and instruction with solutions for the classroom level teacher. It allows the user (teachers, administrators, curriculum specialists) to analyze district assessment scoring data, identify performance gaps between individual school districts and the local BOCES aggregate result, and explore professional development resources. The goal of the usability test was to validate the usability of the most common tasks of the website.

Usability Testing Process

In the report, we made recommendations to improve visibility, feedback, improve the help system, improve display of important information and to make the interface consistent across pages.

Due to NDAs I can't post the details of the report. Please contact me if you have any questions.